Passionate & Empowering Advocacy

Don’t Let Time Run Out on Your Personal Injury Claim in Florida: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Plant City, Florida

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence in Plant City, Florida, it is important to understand the statute of limitations for personal injury claims. The statute of limitations is a law that sets a time limit for filing a lawsuit related to a personal injury. Once this time limit has passed, you may be barred from recovering compensation for your injuries.

To help you protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve, this personal injury attorney in Plant City, Florida is going to discuss the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Florida.

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How Expert Witnesses Can Help Win Your Personal Injury Case: Insights from a Personal Injury Lawyer in Brandon, Florida

When filing a personal injury case in Florida, having an expert witness on your side can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. Expert witnesses can provide invaluable testimony and insight into complex matters that can help you prove your case and win the compensation you deserve.

Are you interested in learning more about how an expert witness can help with your case? This personal injury lawyer in Brandon, Florida is going to explain below.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking to an Insurance Adjuster After a Personal Injury: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Bartow, Florida

If you have been injured in an accident in Bartow, or if you know someone who has, you may end up having to speak with the other party’s insurance adjuster. This is known as “seeking coverage and/or co-payment” from the other driver’s insurance company.

However, most people find the prospect of dealing with insurance adjusters overwhelming and frustrating. This is because many insurance adjusters can be difficult or aggressive, making you feel like you are at fault for what happened. It can also be intimidating if you have never spoken with an insurance company before and don’t know what questions to ask or what information will be most helpful.

While this process can seem overwhelming and frustrating, knowing the right way to talk to an insurance adjuster can make all the difference in the outcome of your claim. To help give you an idea as to what you can expect, this personal injury attorney in Bartow, Florida is going to provide a guide below that covers all the do’s and don’ts when talking to an insurance adjuster following a personal injury accident.

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Distracted Driving in Florida — Have You Been a Victim? Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida

Distracted driving accidents are, unfortunately, all too common in the State of Florida. We have recently seen an uptick in the number of people injured or killed due to distracted drivers texting or talking on their phones while behind the wheel.

Have you recently been the victim of distracted driving in the Zephyrhills area? Have you suffered serious personal injuries as a result? In these situations, most people are unsure how to go about filing a claim or getting compensation for their injuries and losses. To help you understand your rights and how to get the best possible outcome from your case, this personal injury attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida is going to discuss some of the key things you should know below.

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Things to Consider Before Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney in Mulberry, Florida

When you have been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to do is hire an attorney to sue the person or company responsible for your injuries. However, that is sometimes necessary, and that is what many personal injury attorneys are paid to do. At the end of the day, if you do not have adequate representation for your case, you may end up getting nothing out of the settlement and losing your case entirely.

Choosing an attorney is easier said than done. To make your search easier, here are a few things you should consider before hiring a personal injury attorney in Mulberry, Florida to represent your case:

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How Long Does It Typically Take to Resolve a Personal Injury Case? Insights from a Personal Injury Lawyer in Bartow, Florida

If you have been injured and are thinking about partnering with a personal injury lawyer in Bartow, Florida, there are a lot of different aspects to consider.

A catastrophic injury or a death in the family is already a major event in most peoples’ lives, requiring months of physical rehabilitation, mourning, disputes with insurers, and hefty medical expenses. Most people who have been injured simply want to get back to their daily routine, and they are concerned that filing a lawsuit will keep that from happening by prolonging the entire situation.

Most personal injury lawsuits in Florida take between 6 and 18 months to resolve after retaining counsel. Generally, the length of medical treatment and the nuances of the legal issues at play determine how long the case takes to resolve.

When you partner with a reputable personal injury lawyer in Bartow, Florida, they will handle most of the work for you. Your lawyer will shield you from insurers, walk you through each step of the process, investigate the case when necessary, and handle the legal and administrative aspects of the situation. In other words, your Bartow lawyer will work toward getting the best possible financial recovery for you, allowing you to fully concentrate on your medical and emotional recovery.

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Injured On the Job? Here’s What You Should Know: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Lakeland, Florida

Whether you are a construction worker, a teacher, or a nurse, if you’ve suffered an injury in the course and scope of your job, workers’ compensation may be your only source of financial recompense. However, workers’ compensation claims can be quite nuanced and confusing. To help give you some clarity, this personal injury attorney in Lakeland, Florida is going to discuss some of the main things you should know after being injured on the job.

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How to Prove Negligence in the State of Florida: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida

Negligence can be a tricky concept to grasp. Plus, when you consider all the different types of negligence — such as collateral negligence, concurrent negligence, and contributory negligence — personal injury victims are often left wondering what negligence really is and how to prove it in court. As the top-rated negligence attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida that specializes in personal injury cases, we are going to discuss everything you’ll need to know about proving negligence in the State of Florida below.

What are the Elements of Negligence?

Negligence is primarily classified into four elements: duty, breach, causation, and damages. We are going to discuss each element below — but before we do that, it’s worth noting that your Zephyrhills negligence attorney must prove all four to win a lawsuit for negligence in the State of Florida.

1. Duty

In Florida, many negligence cases are determined by whether the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty. When the law requires the defendant to act in a certain way — often with a standard of care — toward the plaintiff, that is when the element of duty comes into play. The judge, not the jury, decides whether a defendant owed a duty of care to a plaintiff.

2. Breach

It is not enough for the plaintiff to show that the defendant owed them a duty of care. The plaintiff must also prove that the defendant breached their duty in some way. A breach occurs when the defendant fails to use reasonable care in carrying out their duty. For example, if the defendant runs a stop sign, they have breached their duty to other drivers on the road by not driving their vehicle safely. By reviewing all the facts of the case, the jury will decide whether the defendant breached their duty of care.

3. Causation

Causation is relatively straightforward — to win a negligence claim, your Zephyrhills negligence attorney must also prove that the defendant’s actions were the direct cause of their client’s injuries. This is often the most contentious aspect of negligence cases in Florida. Medical evidence — such as physical examination reports and diagnostic test results — is often necessary to prove that the defendant’s negligence caused the injuries sustained by the plaintiff.

4. Damages

In a negligence case, the plaintiff must prove a legally recognized form of damage, which is often in the form of physical injury or property damage — such as damage to the plaintiff’s car in an auto accident, for example. It is not enough to prove that the defendant failed to act with reasonable care. Their negligent conduct must also cause actual harm to someone to whom they owed a duty of care.

Why Do You Need an Experienced Zephyrhills Personal Injury  Attorney on Your Side?

Even if you believe you have all the elements of a negligence case covered, it’s still important to partner with a professional negligence attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida that can help you build a convincing case and secure the win. A qualified and experienced attorney will know which evidence to present in your case, how to quantify damages accurately, and how to negotiate with the defendant’s insurance company.

Are You Looking for the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida?

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in the Zephyrhills area due to someone else’s negligence, Tonya Stewart Law is here to help. As the top-rated negligence attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida, Tonya can help you build a compelling case by proving the at-fault party’s negligence and how their negligence caused your injuries, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (863) 241-5504 to schedule a free legal consultation with our team.