Passionate & Empowering Advocacy


Three Common Myths About Personal Injury Claims in Florida: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Bartow, Florida

Unfortunately, there are several misconceptions out there about Florida personal injury claims. Personal injury claims in the Sunshine State are more complicated than they seem, and winning fair compensation is not as easy as you might assume. It often demands rigorous investigation and research, extensive talks with expert witnesses, and negotiations with defense attorneys. Below, […]

The Risks of Working in the Construction Industry: Insights from a Job Site Injury Lawyer in Winter Haven, Florida

Construction is one of the world’s largest industrial sectors, encompassing many types of building and civil engineering jobs. The construction industry in Central Florida is booming. Unfortunately, due to the risks to the workers, construction remains Florida’s most dangerous industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the private construction industry had the highest number […]

Injured On the Job? Here’s What You Should Know: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Lakeland, Florida

Whether you are a construction worker, a teacher, or a nurse, if you’ve suffered an injury in the course and scope of your job, workers’ compensation may be your only source of financial recompense. However, workers’ compensation claims can be quite nuanced and confusing. To help give you some clarity, this personal injury attorney in […]

What Should You Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Hit and Run Accident in Florida? Insights from a Car Accident Attorney in Brandon, Florida

Unfortunately, roughly 25% of at-fault motorist in the State of Florida flee the scene. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), one out of every four accidents in Florida is a hit and run. There are laws in place to hold fleeing drivers accountable. However, even if those drivers are […]

How to Prove Negligence in the State of Florida: Insights from a Personal Injury Attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida

Negligence can be a tricky concept to grasp. Plus, when you consider all the different types of negligence — such as collateral negligence, concurrent negligence, and contributory negligence — personal injury victims are often left wondering what negligence really is and how to prove it in court. As the top-rated negligence attorney in Zephyrhills, Florida […]