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Four Costly Mistakes to Avoid in Your Truck Accident Lawsuit: Insights from a Truck Accident Attorney in Lakeland, Florida

Truck accident attorney in Lakeland Florida

If you have recently been involved in a truck accident, you may be considering filing a lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries. However, the process of filing a truck accident lawsuit in Florida can be complicated and expensive — and the last thing you want to do is make a mistake that could cost you thousands of dollars in damages or a successful resolution to your case.

When it comes to filing a truck accident lawsuit in Florida, there are some costly mistakes you should avoid. Knowing what to look out for is key to ensuring you get the compensation you deserve. To that end, this truck accident attorney in Lakeland, Florida is going to review the top four most costly mistakes to avoid in your case.

Not Getting Medical Treatment

It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a truck accident.

For one, not seeking medical treatment could jeopardize your ability to recover damages. Medical records not only serve as proof of the severity of your injuries, but they also allow medical professionals to determine if your injuries are permanent or require long-term care. Without such proof, your truck accident attorney in Lakeland, Florida may not be able to get you just compensation for your losses.

Additionally, failing to receive prompt medical attention could mean that your injuries become worse over time. This means that any compensation you may be eligible to receive will be lower than what it should be since the damages are more severe than they would have been had you sought immediate medical attention.

Providing the Insurance Company with a Recorded Statement

In the aftermath of a Florida truck accident, the insurance company for the at-fault party may contact you and ask that you provide them with a recorded statement. Even though it might seem like an innocent request, providing a recorded statement to the insurance company can be extremely costly.

Although you may think that providing a recorded statement will help your case, in most cases, it does not. The insurance adjuster is usually trying to get you to say something that could harm your claim or reduce the amount of compensation you may be entitled to. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced truck accident attorney in Lakeland, Florida before giving any statements to the insurance company.

Not Submitting a Claim Within the Statute of Limitations

One of the costliest mistakes you can make when filing a truck accident lawsuit in Florida is not submitting your claim within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is simply the amount of time you have following an accident to file a legal claim.

In Florida, you have four years from the date of the accident to submit a claim. If you do not file your claim within this time frame, you may be barred from ever recovering compensation for your losses.

It is important to note that if you are filing a wrongful death claim, the statute of limitations will be different. In Florida, you must file a wrongful death claim within two years of the date of the death.

Not Partnering with a Truck Accident Attorney

One of the most important decisions you can make after being involved in a truck accident is to hire an experienced truck accident attorney in Lakeland, Florida. Your attorney will be able to review your case and provide legal advice, making sure you have access to all the resources you need to pursue compensation for your damages.

Without an attorney, it is much more likely that you won’t be adequately compensated or that you won’t receive the full amount of damages you are owed.

Looking for a Truck Accident Attorney in Lakeland, Florida?

Are you looking for a reputable truck accident attorney in Lakeland, Florida to help with your lawsuit? If so, look no further than Tonya Stewart Law PA. Tonya Stewart and her legal team provide our clients with the highest quality legal representation. We fully understand the complexities of truck accident cases, and we will fight aggressively to get you the maximum compensation for your losses. Contact us today at (863) 279-4473 to learn how we can help.